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Black Spectrolite Heart Shaped Worry Stone

$ 3.99

Our gemstone worry stones are 100% genuine and natural stone.

High vibrationally charged stone Spectrolite fights fatigue. It emits a frequency that helps people feel energized, refreshed, calm, and in control, even over stressful situations. Everyone can enjoy this crystal’s power.

This crystal has a high frequency that corrects the circadian rhythm or biological clock of our body, thus correcting sleeping patterns. Spectrolite also has a calming energy that induces restful sleep. This will particularly help people with insomnia.

As a soft energy gemstone, Spectrolite relieves and calms unexplainable feelings of threat in a stressful nature. This mystical stone banishes fears and worries. People who experience nervousness, restlessness, and tension can benefit from this crystal.

These smooth Heart shaped stones are the perfect holding size with a thumb-sized indentation. Worry stones are used to help prevent anxiety, stress, and tension. Perfectly fitting in your palm, our crystal worry stones are easy to carry along with you and polished with a satisfying smoothness. Working with crystals as a worry stone can help to absorb any negative emotions and energy you may have and replace them with positive, healthy, and optimistic energy. Crystal worry stones can help to break up negative thought patterns and behaviors. Sometimes known as a "fidget stone", worry stones are wonderful for calming anxiety, promoting focus and concentration, and relieving stress.

Shape: Heart

Size: A little under 2" x 1 1/2"